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5 Reasons Your Memory Foam Mattress Is Causing Hip Pain

5 Reasons Your Memory Foam Mattress Is Causing Hip Pain

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Hip pain can be a real drag. It can make it difficult to get a good night's sleep and make everyday activities like walking or even sitting uncomfortably painful. If you're struggling with hip pain, you might be surprised to learn that your memory foam mattress could be to blame. Read on to learn more about the connection between memory foam mattresses and hip pain, and what you can do to find relief.

1. Your Memory Foam Mattress Is Sagging

It's a good idea to have your mattress inspected every few years. If it has sagged more than 1-1.5 inches across an area, you may experience discomfort when sleeping because of the poor posture that occurs from lying in these types of positions throughout the night. This could lead to hip pain or even back problems!

If you want to fix a sagging mattress, don't try fixing it with old techniques. The best way is by buying something new that's well suited for your physical characteristics and sleeping position! A short-term solution would be to purchase a mattress topper that you can place on your mattress, however, this only serves as a temporary solution as it may not provide the support needed for a good night's rest.

2. Your Mattress Is Too Firm

It is important for your hip joints to have the proper amount of space and comfort when sleeping. If you don’t sink far enough into a mattress, then there will be more pressure on these sensitive areas than if it was softer or larger firmer ones which can lead to hip pain and discomfort in other areas such as your shoulders and back.

If you're new to a mattress, then it's common for the surface of your bedding to feel too firm. This is because they haven't yet responded and adapted themselves according to how much physical pressure or weight there are on them at any given moment during sleep.

You can exchange the mattress for another one under the terms of your supplier's sleep trial if you bought an online option. Get a softer option less dense option to help decrease the amount of pressure on joints while still providing support! If you are shopping with National Mattress, you can read up on our sleep trial details here.

3. Your Mattress Is Too Soft

Yes, your hip pain can be caused by both a memory foam mattress that is either too firm or too soft! Soft mattresses may be more comfortable however they are far less supportive. They also encourage poor posture, which could lead to hip pain or lower back problems in some cases!

The solution is to consider using your sleep trial and find the happy medium between a mattress that is too firm and too soft. Short-term fixes such as memory toppers will only worsen the situation, so avoid making this mistake.

Check out these 10 warning signs your mattress is causing back and hip pain

4. Broken Foam Support Core

Mattresses that are more than five years old might be causing you pain! As the foam supporting core breaks down, it can lead to sagging and indents in your mattress. This is because these problems will result from a lack of integrity for this important element - potentially leading to all sorts of discomfort throughout the nighttime.

The only way to fix a mattress that has an affected support core is by purchasing a new one. Mattress toppers will not be enough and using one as such could potentially make matters worse down the road.

5. Your Memory Foam Mattress Has Indents

Mattress indents happen when you sit on your mattress and cause pain by increasing pressure in various parts of the body. This is because it has an uneven surface that can be uncomfortable for people who have problems with their joints, muscles or nerves being pressed against certain points on a flat bedded foundation/top layer (such as around edges).

Oftentimes, a mattress topper can be used in order to reduce the pressure points that they may cause. A new one might need if it's too soft or firm for your liking though- so consult with an expert before getting rid of your old one.

Tips For Buying The Right Memory Foam Mattress

You should ask your doctor if buying a new mattress is the right step forward relative to what you’re experiencing. Your healthcare provider will help guide you through some easy steps on how to find an appropriate choice for your specific situation!

You can also follow the guidelines below on how to buy the right memory foam mattress:

Choose the right firmness

Mattress firmness describes how hard or soft the surface of your mattress feels when you lie down on it. Choosing the wrong density could lead to hip pain and an uncomfortable sleep for both yourself and those around you!

It's important not only to know what type of sleeper we are (persistent/lightweight) but also your preferred sleep position.

Select A Proper Foundation

Box springs and bed frames are crucial to a good night's sleep, so don't cheap out on these essentials. You should also consider the type of foundation that will work for your memory foam mattress when selecting one. It's important not only to have support but also to ease pressure points as well to prevent hip pain and discomfort on sensitive joints.

Consider Buying An Adjustable Base

Investing in an adjustable bed frame is the best decision you can make for your hip pain. The angles of sleeping surfaces are customizable, so they help shift gravity and distribute weight to ease any discomfort around hips or other joints throughout the body by shifting positions easily without having one position feel more stringent than another throughout the nighttime. 

Take Away

If you are experiencing hip pain, it is likely due to your mattress. A memory foam mattress can be a great choice for many people, but it’s important to make sure you select the right one. We hope our tips have helped you better understand how to choose a memory foam mattress that will alleviate your hip pain and provide you with a good night’s sleep. Have you found a memory foam mattress that works well for you? Let us know in the comments below!

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